Wednesday, June 29, 2005


The City of Ember

I am enjoying a book called The City of Ember, by Jeanne DuPrau. It is science fiction and about a city of the future that is dark all the time. During the days, lights keep the city going. But the reader wonders. . . for how long? The book's young heroes, Lina and Doon, try to find out if there is something beyond the endless darkness.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


My New Book

Today is the day! I have heard from my publisher, White Mane Kids, that my latest book, Divided Loyalties, A Revolutionary War Fifer's Story, will be available today. The story begins in Williamsburg and the action turns around the battle of Camden in South Carolina. Eleven-year-old Teddy's familly is torn apart by the American War for Independence. His dad is a Patriot; his mom a Loyalist. Problems at home lead to Teddy's enlistment as a fifer with the State Garrison Regiment. As a member of the fifes and drums, Teddy contends with old enemies and forges new loyalties.

The book is available from the publisher(e-mail, from on-line book sellers, and at your local bookstore.

Friday, June 24, 2005


Looking for a Car

With all the cars in the world and all the car dealships lining major highways, you would think that finding just the right car would be easy. No so. My husband and I have been look at sports cars now for several weeks. We want to find just the right one, the one that sings to us, and will be fun to drive to California. We want a car that will be an adventure to drive. We think we may have found "the one." But we don't have it yet. Can you guess the color we want?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Tending My Garden

Many flowers are blooming in my garden. Especially spectacular are my calla lilies. It is a great time of year in Virignia before our intense heat takes it toll. I have been tending my garden literally and figuratively. In addition to spreading mulch and digging in dirt, I have gotten back to my writing and a new book is slowly taking shape. Of course life is not all work. The other evening my husband and I went out for ice cream and afterwards for a ride on our son's motorcycle.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Seeing Toulouse-Lautrec

Well, we didn't actually see the famous artist. He died about 1900. We did go to the National Gallery in Washington yesterday to see a special exhibit of his work. Toulouse-Lautrec created vivid posters to advertise performers and dancers. During his time the colored poster became a key to the success of several French dancehall personalities. Even if you are unfamiliar with his name, chance are you have seen one or more of his posters.

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