Tuesday, November 25, 2008


How does a homeshooler spend the day?

Emma Klein
One of my readers is homeschooled and I've asked her to describe how she might spend a day. I thought other kids might be interested in what it is like not to go to school.

A home Schoolers Typical Day
By: Emma Klein


I am a homeschooler, and a typical for me begins with getting up. While I’m eating breakfast I can talk with my mom or dad about what subjects in school I want to do. Maybe it could be Science? Reading, History? Who knows? I just make sure I have enough work to last at least 4 hours because it’s the law. My mom knows what is required for my state.

A day could also begin with a class or activity. I always check with my local ice-skating rink and they usually have home school ice-skating classes. It’s a great way to meet new people and make friends.
My day is pretty fun!

I always enjoy my schoolwork and I never have to worry about fighting or the drama at a public/private school. I like to do crafts with my mom. Sometimes we use art for science. I enjoy making dioramas with leaves, sticks, paint, etc. to learn about layers of the earth. I can use art for practically anything!

Being home schooled is so much fun, even though I sometimes have to do work on Saturday! Another great thing about homeschooling is that I get to travel. This year I went to the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament in NYC. I also got to spend a week in Williamsburg with my mom and grandmother. And in January, I am going to Washington D.C.

When I first started I felt sort of friendless because I didn’t have any of my old school friends. I was really shy and I tried to grow out of it just because it was sort of hard for me to make new friends. I made new friends by going to acting class, dance class, choir, etc. It not only helped me to improve my skills but it helped me not feel so shy because I got so much confidence.

Now my day always has at least one activity with friends so I never feel lonely!
If you want to homeschool go to this link and get involved! http://www.homeschoolinginamerica.com/

Friday, November 14, 2008


A Writer on Writing at Crittenden

Today I visited Crittenden Middle School in Newport News. I hope students learned something from my presentation on writing skills. It was a big group, more than 120 kids. And it is hard to have an interact presentation with so many students. However, I found the students to be welcoming, interested, and responsive. Well done Crittenden students!

Students, when you write, I hope you remember to be specific, use strong topic sentences, and don't forget the 5 W's.

The presentation took place in the Crittenden Library. I couldn't get every one's picture, but I captured a few group photos.

You didn't find your picture, above. Sorry! Below is a familiar face. Media Specialist Sabrina Carnesi and the student who interviewed me on video after the presentation.

Thanks, Ms. Carnesi for inviting me to Crittendon. It is a great school to visit.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Autumn on our Street

We are having a light rain here in Williamsburg this election day. Even in the rain our street is so colorful, I want to share autumn's splendor with those of you who do not have a fall display.

Celebrate fall!

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