Tuesday, June 27, 2006


The British are coming!

Every year Williamsburg is occupied by British troops as it was in June of 1781. It is great fun to meet British soliders and camp followers and learn about military life in the eighteenth century.

Soldiers drilling near camp as women sew.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


St. Francis of the Zinnias

I planted petunias and marigolds around St. Francis and I didn't plant zinnias. The ones you see in the picture (the bright green plants) were all "volunteers." The volunteers are just about crowding out the other flowers. Yet, I couldn't pull them up.

Monday, June 12, 2006


West Virginia Poetry Society Contest

Students can submit poems to the West Virginia Poetry Society annual contest for free. One award is the Elementary Student Award for K through 5th grade, category 35 and another is the Student Award for 6th through 12th grade, category 36.

Submit two copies of your poem: one with your name, address, age, grade in school, and name of school on the upper right hand corner, the other without your name, address, etc. to:

Linda Poe
WVPE Contest Chair
Rt.1, Box 25
Gay, WV 25244

Show category number and either Elementary Student Award or Student Award on the upper left hand side of your poem.

Deadline: The submissions must be postmarked by July 10, 2006.

Good luck, Poets!!!!

Monday, June 05, 2006


Me and My Snowpeas

This year we have had a bumper crop of snowpeas in our garden. They have grown taller than I am.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Making History Come Alive

Jay Holman, Media Specialist at Barron Elementary School in Hampton, invited me to meet with her parent/child book discussion group. Her group had read two of my books. Lottie's Courage and Divided Loyalties.

Lottie's Courage takes place in Hampton, Virginia and Ms. Holman arranged for us to meet at the site where Lottie, Weza, and other contraband slaves during the Civil War had gone to watch the Battle of the Ironclads. What a great way to make history come to life.

This was the first time I had met with a parent/child book group. What a special group of parents and kids! It is something the kids will always remember. Thank you Ms. Holman for making the book group possible and for inviting me to meet with you.

Erica and Alexia, Friends Forever!

Just imagine the battle taking place behind us!

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