Tuesday, January 31, 2006

David Thomas
A Fourth Grader from New York
One of my readers, David, wrote and asked if he could be in one of my books. I wrote back telling him that I would be willing to include him in one of my books, but I needed more information. I sent him a lot of questions so I could get to know him better. David replied to all my questions. I asked if he wanted to be "David" or he wanted some other name. He chose "Peter."
I told David/Peter that in the new book I was working on (kids' book number 5) the protagonist was a girl, but I would try to find an important role for his character. Thus Peter befriends the heroine and . . . You'll have to read the book to find out what happens!
This book is still in its first draft. So it will be several years before it is published.
Kids often ask where I get my ideas. I always tell them that I have more ideas than I have time. I also tell them that I "study" kids and adults I meet for character traits and inspiration. As an example, when I was in Venice, Italy, I met a young man named Luca. He gave us a tour of the Correr Museum. He was in his twenties, but I made him a kid for Anybody's Hero. I made him part Italian and part American and called him Luca. So when you meet me at book signings or school visits, you should realize that I am very interested in each of you.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Al Capone Does my Shirts
This book by Gennifer Gholdenko is well worth reading. Moose Flanagan lives on Alcartraz Island in 1935. His father is a guard and an electrian at the high-security prison for some of the worst criminals of the day. Moose has the usual problems that kids have, except that his older sister Natalie has a mysterious mental condition, today known as autism.
Read the book to see how Moose deals with living on Alcatraz and how he manages to help his sister.
The book has won a several awards. My only criticism is several mentions of pizza, not a common food in 1935.
Read the book to see how Moose deals with living on Alcatraz and how he manages to help his sister.
The book has won a several awards. My only criticism is several mentions of pizza, not a common food in 1935.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Update on Chelsea
One of my readers, Chelsea in Michigan, had back surgery over Christmas break and last week attended school half days. This week she will begin full time again. Way to go, Chelsea!
Student Poetry Contest
Kids, this is a reminder. Check out the Poetry Society of Virginia on the Internet. The society runs a huge FREE poetry contest for students with many different age catagories. Do it today. The deadline for submissions is January 19, Edgar Allen Poe's birthday. There are cash prizes for the winning poems.
Every year I submit poems to the adult contest. Remember, if you don't submit an entry, there is no way you can win. As an added bonus, the contest forces me to try to bring poems to a final form. Or at least a semi-final form. I am reminded of Williams Butler Yeats, famous Irish poet. He changed poems even after they were published.
Every year I submit poems to the adult contest. Remember, if you don't submit an entry, there is no way you can win. As an added bonus, the contest forces me to try to bring poems to a final form. Or at least a semi-final form. I am reminded of Williams Butler Yeats, famous Irish poet. He changed poems even after they were published.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Learning about Word
A new year is a good time to learn new things. I am taking a course in Intermediate Microsoft Word. Although I have been using Word, I don't know all the bells and whistles or should I say toggles and clipboards!