Sunday, April 30, 2006
Gardening Time Again

Here I am, girl gardener, in front of one of our two garden plots. As you can see the garden is fenced because of deer. This year we are trying something new. Note the white buckets behind me. They are pails that I bought at the Dollar Store. Every year our tomatoes have viruses. Apparently, the viruses live in the soil. Since our garden area is so small, we can't rotate our crops. So I had the idea to plant tomatoes this year in buckets, each filled with manure and enriched soil. We'll see what happens. Wish us luck!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Latin Anyone?
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Happy Easter from me and my rabbit family.
The little girl rabbit has dropped her doll, but don't worry, I was there to make sure she was safely returned to her owner.

Happy Easter also from No Name Ladybug.
Viky Pedigo at Rawls Byrd Elementary gave me this ladybug for my Easter basket. She is very special because she is a book and at the same time can walk or rather skitter if you pull a ribbon on her back. What shall I name her????
Visiting Nelson Elementary School in Newport News

On Tuesday evening I gave a talk to the Nelson PTA titled, "Finding the Story in History."
After the PTA meeting, I signed books in the library. The following day I visited classes. I found the students well behaved and attentive. What a nice school! What responsive kids! It was most enjoyable for me and I hope the kids had a good time too.
Meeting Readers
It is always fun to meet readers. The pictures were taken at a recent book signing at Colonial Williamsburg. Kids, if you don't find your pictures here, they didn't come out. Sorry. Next time you visit Williamsburg, stop by and we'll try again.
This girl's folks brought three copies of my books for her teacher. Lurking in the background is my buddy, Ed Cline, author of the excellent Sparrowhawk series, who was signing books at the next table.
Friday, April 07, 2006
A Very Special Place

It's always a pleasure to visit Rawls Byrd Media Center. What a very special place! Librarian Viky Pedigo invited me to sign books as part of the annual bookfair.
My book, Divided Loyalties is about a fifer and here I'm shown with a member of Colonial Williamsburg's Fife and Drum Corps. I was pleased to learn he read and liked the book.
A book for each member of the Selje Family. How nice to meet them!
Mrs. Pedigo's assistant, Mrs. Norma Spokowski, helps make the Media Center a happy place to visit.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Near the Governor's Palace, Colonial Williamsburg
Who Says History is Dead?
Saint Matthew Passion Groupies
We were wowed with the North Carolina Symphoney, the 150-person chorus, and the wonderful soloists. The moving choral work recreates the passion of Christ.
We have tickets to see it performed in Washington, D.C. at the Kennedy Center on Good Friday afternoon. Helmut Rilling is conducting and we are looking forward to another outstanding performance.