Friday, January 22, 2010
St. Francis and the Squirrel
In summer this little statute of St. Francis in my garden is usually almost covered with flowers. In the bleak days of January, however, he must be pleased to be a convenient dining table for squirrel munching on an acorn.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kids Choose Beacon of Freedom Award Winner

Children from Williamsburg/James City County elementary and middle schools met January 13, 2010 at the Williamsburg Regional Library where they chose the winner of the eighth annual Beacon of Freedom award.
The 2010 Beacon of Freedom Award winner is Two Miserable Presidents by Steve Sheinkin. Students read five books relating to American history from 1607 to 1865, choose representatives from their schools who met to decide the winner.
Shown in the picture are Rawls Byrd media specialist Viky Pedigo and Abubakar Alawy, the student chosen to represent Rawls Byrd Elementary School.
The Beacon of Freedom Award is supported by a generous grant from the Disabled American Veterans.