Wednesday, February 28, 2007
What was in the beautiful boxes?

I've always resisted being a collector. But there are two things--decorative Easter eggs and books--that I can't resist and I got both in the surprise gifts from a friend last week. What could be nicer than two new eggs to put up at Easter and a book about flowers!
If you look back through old postings on my website to March 22, 2005, you will see my other Easter eggs.
I hang them up every year to celebrate spring and Eastertime.
Monday, February 26, 2007
An Ageless Activity

At age 89, Eleanor illustrates how writing is something you can do for your whole life. Writing is not one of those activities like mountain climbing that you need to give up at a certain age.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Unexpected Gifts
Why is it that gifts people are not required to give (for a birthday or Christmas) are the most special?

When I visited Langley Elementary last week, a girl gave me the little box in the picture, containing a diamond tennis bracelet. I was delighted. How nice! And how unexpected. I shall treasure it always.
Yesterday, the first spring-like day we've had in Virginia this month, I came home to find a package at my door. It was a box of unexpected gifts from a friend, celebrating spring and Easter.
These gifts are so beautifully wrapped, I'm not sure that I can open them. I am probably Williamsburg's worst gift wrapper, but I appreciate the art, and the thought, that went into these gifts.
Sometimes my riches astound me, and they are the kinds of riches no thief can steal.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
A Great Day at Langley Elementary!

It is always fun to visit Langley Elementary and meet students who have read Lottie's Courage. Yesterday, I got wonderful questions about the book. I was able to take home their student projects, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading them.

Monday, February 12, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!

The small children in my neighbhood watch my door. I have to keep up with the holidays so that I don't disappoint them.
Monday, February 05, 2007
The Sadness of Losing a Pet

I received a letter today from a reader who drew the above picture to accompany the "bad and sad news" she sent. China (Che-na) a 14-year-old dog belonging to the girl's Spanish grandmother was hit by a car and killed. In the above picture, even the flowers are crying. It is painful to lose a pet. It helps sometimes if we can share our sadness with others. Drawing a picture is a good way to express our feelings.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Playing with Balls

If you search back into old entries on my website, you'll see that I'm a jogger. Within the last year, I've also started yoga classes and most recently Pilates. The Pilates teacher employs a large exercise ball to help strengthen core muscles.
I thought kids would enjoy seeing that you're never too old to play ball!