Saturday, April 21, 2007
In Training for the Camino
In order to be able to walk for 250 miles on our pilgrimage beginning May 23, we have been walking various trails in our area. Today we visited the Powhatan Watershed Natural Area about three miles from our house. One of the surprise benefits of our training has been that we have rediscovered our local area. Another benefit is that the additional walking we have been doing has made us feel great.
Our son, Alex, visiting from California, joined his mom and dad on today's hike. Shown here is a natural arch that resulted from a tree damaged during an ice storm.

Alex photographed this butterfly so we could identify it. I have searched through our Audubon guide to butterflies and I haven't found it. Does anyone know what it is?
I snapped a picture of a wild iris. Can you find it in the picture above? It is near the center of the picture.
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Hello! I met you last summer in Colonial Williamsburg when you signed a copy of Lottie's Courage for me. I am doing a report on the book for school. As part of my report, I would like to interview the author. Please let me know if this would be okay with you.
Thank you,
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