Monday, April 30, 2007
Trekking around Charlottesville

As part of our training to walk 250 miles of the Camino to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, we went to Charlottesville, Virginia in order to hike on more rugged terrain. A trail now stretches approximately 20 miles around the city.

We can't imagine that the Camino will be more challenging than the Rivanna Trail. It is up and down rocky trails, full of tree roots.

We saw many wild flowers like the flocks above. The woods were full of the scent of mountain laurel and we were awed by the variety and delicacy of the flowers.

My husband, the trail blazer!

You would think that hiking and carrying a heavy pack might lead to philosophical or theological speculation. In fact, I find the trekking all consuming. I must be attentive, watching the trail and stepping carefully. When my attention strays from the trail, it is to drink in the beauty around us.
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Good Morning, Rocio,
Yes we are blessed to be able to travel. We have good health and the time. Someday you will travel a lot too. Young people today seem to be world citizens and think nothing of flying here and there for work and pleasure. With your dual language abilities many doors will be open to you in our international world.
It was delightful to speak with you last night. Writing is hard work, but appreciative readers make all the difference. So calls like yours inspire me to keep working. If you want to send me something you have written, I'll be happy to look at it.
This morning I am going to a yoga class. As you may have noticed from my website, my husband and I are serious walkers, trekking hundreds of miles with backpacks. Do you do any sports? I find long walks or jogging help to clear my mind and I often get good ideas while I'm on the trail.
This afternoon I will meet another writer at a coffeeshop and we will drink coffee and sit and write for about two hours. We find that helpful. We chat for a moment or two then settle in and focus on our writing projects. At home, there are many distractions, the laundry buzzes, the phone rings, housework calls, I need to start dinner etc.
Have a great day and write to me anytime!
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Yes we are blessed to be able to travel. We have good health and the time. Someday you will travel a lot too. Young people today seem to be world citizens and think nothing of flying here and there for work and pleasure. With your dual language abilities many doors will be open to you in our international world.
It was delightful to speak with you last night. Writing is hard work, but appreciative readers make all the difference. So calls like yours inspire me to keep working. If you want to send me something you have written, I'll be happy to look at it.
This morning I am going to a yoga class. As you may have noticed from my website, my husband and I are serious walkers, trekking hundreds of miles with backpacks. Do you do any sports? I find long walks or jogging help to clear my mind and I often get good ideas while I'm on the trail.
This afternoon I will meet another writer at a coffeeshop and we will drink coffee and sit and write for about two hours. We find that helpful. We chat for a moment or two then settle in and focus on our writing projects. At home, there are many distractions, the laundry buzzes, the phone rings, housework calls, I need to start dinner etc.
Have a great day and write to me anytime!
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