Monday, March 30, 2009


Flat Stanley Visits Colonial Williamsburg

If you look very closely, you will see Flat Stanley just above the "a" in Williamsburg. Kids, if you are unfamiliar with Flat Stanley and the Flat Stanley project, check it out:

I loved seeing this. What a poignant reminder of how important children's books are to young readers. A reader's grandparents took Flat Stanley on a tour of Williamsburg.


Writers and Readers

On Friday and Saturday, I attended the Christopher Newport University Writers' Conference. I enjoyed the chance to meet with other writers and learn new things.
Last year I won a first prize for the pages of a children's novel that I submitted to the annual writing contest. This year I won a third prize for the first pages of an adult novel. Now all I have to do is write the rest of the novel. The bottom line is that I keep trying to become a better writer.

Sunday I met with readers at a book signing at Colonial Williamsburg. Sarah from near San Francisco above convinced her parents that she should have all four of my books for kids.

Danny from Orlando got a book for himself and also for his teacher Will Ogle.

Friday, March 20, 2009



I am very lucky. Tristen is one of my readers!

Friday, March 13, 2009


I'm a Movie Star!!!

After my visit to Langley Elementary, Tristen, one of the students made me a movie.

I made you the coolest movie using Marty's Movie Maker at You're really going to love it!
Your friend, Tristen Nguyen

Just copy and paste or type the following web address into your website browser line:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Author's Tea at Langley Elementary

It is always a joy to meet readers. The two classes at Langley Elementary that read Lottie's Courage were an attentive audience. The students asked great questions!

I signed books for enthusiastic readers!

Thanks to Kari Stohler, Fifth Grade Teacher par excellence, who hosted my visit to Langley.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The Gift that Keeps Giving

We have just returned from two glorious days at Nags Head, NC. With the promise of unseasonably warm March weather, we drove to the beach Saturday. We enjoyed walking on the shore and watching the waves from the balcony of our motel.
Each time we visit the beach we find a new and different marvel. This trip, Otis found the tiny, perfect starfish above. Under a magnifying glass its body is pink and every little detail is perfect, even to the sand still adhering to one of the arms of the star.

Friday, March 06, 2009


Oh Deer!

They get bolder and bolder as their habitat continues to shrink. Here are two deer in our back yard one afternoon this week. They have eaten all but the very tops of my azaleas and my mock orange bush. I have given up on trying to grow day lilies and impatiens.

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