Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Home Again!

We have returned to the US after being out of the country for nearly six weeks. After a delightful visit to Paris, seeing friends, my husband and I walked over the Pyrenees Mountains on the Camino de Santiago in Spain, a 1200-year-old pilgrimage route during the month of September. It was a tremendous experience. We walked 391 miles. I carried a twenty pound pack.
Not everyone carried a pack! My husband, Otis, seen below is the second-oldest pilgrim we met. He has just turned 75. We heard rumors of older pilgrims, but we didn't meet any. His pack weighed 25 pounds.
The youngest pilgrim we met was just 13 months old. He was from Brittany in France and he wasn't walking. His dad was carrying him in backpack.

Probably nothing could be more boring to you, my readers, than seeing someone's travel photos. I am devastated that due to a malfunctioning memory chip, we lost a third of them. However, if you would like to see additional photos, check them out at :

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