Friday, November 13, 2009
Crittenden Journals, Part 3
Well done, students!
"The sky that was running away from the dark, scary clouds reminds me of Hurricane Isabel. I was playing outside when I noticed the clouds and ran home. My mother, brother, and I went to my abuelos' house and watched the monstrous wind knock down trees."
"The green mountains I saw reminded me of my road trip to VA Tech. We drove on a mountain and it was very difficult. The view was great though, trees, flowers, streams, and animals. Nature should be appreciated. The air was fresh and the forest smelled like pine."
"They showed some dogs just running, but I could not let my 2 dogs do that because they would run away, bite someone or get hurt. On the buildings the detailing was really nice and you really don't [have]that kind of detail here. You only see it in a historical and very significant place like Washington, D.C. "
"I've been on a 5 minute journey to Spain and I saw an old castle that reminded me of a really big black castle in church class and I had to put it away when I was done with it and it made me realize that nothing lasts forever and things eventually go no matter what it is."
"I've been on a 5 minute journey through Spain and I saw a very muddy trail. The trail reminded me of my vacation to Feirystone Park. When we took my brother back to Blacksburg, VA, we decided to drive to Feirystone Park, a where the rocks form differently. We had so much fun on the way there listening to the voice on the GPS, but when we got there it was wet and muddy. That did not stop us though and we got some very cool rocks."
"The feast is like my Thanksgiving when I was at my grandma's house. Everyone was going there. Friends, family, kids, babies, adults, everyone! My grandma had to make two turkeys, two pots of mash potatoes, dozens of biscuits, three cans of cranberries and three pots of green beans."
"I've been on a 5 minute journey and out of all the things I saw, the dirt road was my favorite because that long, wide and bumpy road reminded me of good memories. Memories of being in the country, riding my motorcycle down the endless dirt roads. Then coming home to a good family and a good meal. It was very peaceful there , and that place will always be with me."
"The dirt road in the slide reminds me of when I ride my bike to Lake Murray. They have the most amazing natural dirt lanes to ride on. I love it when you go down the steep one, get a shot of adrenaline, then it is the hill in the middle and for a spit second you feel like you are flying."
"The eerie fog reminded me of the when I was outside and the fog was so thick that I couldn't see anything."
"When I saw all the shoes on the shelf, it reminded me of my many pair of shoes that I had in the 6th grade."
"I liked the picture of the boot on the rock near the water. The was brown and looked worn. It was alone and beautiful, just like most things in this world. It reminded me of when when I went to the beach. We hiked the giant sand dues. I made it to the top first and stood looking out at the ocean. The sand hit my legs in individual grains as the wind blew."

"I like sheep. The little sheep guys were walking across a road cautiously. They were being careful not to get run over by the drivers."
"I liked the view of the water. It reminded me of my trips to VA beach."
Alexis P
"I think the castle is so pretty. It reminds me of my brand new house. It's big but, not that big. I just see space when I see that castle."
"The picture of the mountains reminded me of bliss and like how life can have all sorts of turns in it, but you can always make it through."
"The castle reminds me of the castle our family owns in Scotland. Our family goes way back to the Vikings. The medieval castle with the pretty stones makes me think about my family's history."
"There was a picture of a man with a tool and I thought it was a monkey. I can relate to it because last summer I took a trip to Africa and saw lots of monkeys.
"The family reminded me about vacationing with my family in Louisiana."
"The ship reminds me of my first fishing trip with my dad. I really enjoyed that day. I remember when I saw a fish jump out of the water."
"The shoes reminded me of military boots lined up."