Thursday, November 12, 2009
More Great Things from Crittenden
Yesterday when I arrived at Crittenden Middle School, I saw something VERY interesting going on. I had to explore.

I learned that these young women have been learning to knit since school began this fall. They are making scarves for themselves and for charity. They'll next learn how to make hats.
I learned all about their project from Sabrina Carnesi, Media Specialist, who is teaching them this life skill. What beautiful yarns! What a great project!
I learned that these young women have been learning to knit since school began this fall. They are making scarves for themselves and for charity. They'll next learn how to make hats.
I am posting more student responses to the slides of the Camino de Santiago from the journaling workshop yesterday.
Good work, students!
"One thing that reminded me of my life is when I saw the lion on a piece of fabric. It reminded me of what I am doing in my IE class. I cross stitch and I am making a cross with two squares in the middle and I am highlighting it in orange and white."
"I liked the picture of the cabin because it reminded me of when I went to Lake Gaston for the first time, and it reminded me of when I went camping with my family. "
"One thing that relates to my life is the cross. The cross reminds me of my life because I believe in Jehovah. But other people believe that He doesn't have a personal name but I do and it is Jehovah."
"The muddy road reminds me of the time I rode my go-cart right after it had rained, and it was muddy and dirty. A long time ago when I used to live with my grandma when they washed clothes to dry them they used clothes lines. When I was little my granddad owned a lot of land. I remember running with my friend in the grass."
"The pictures of France reminded me of French toast."
"The cow crossing the road reminded me of when we took my cousin to college at Penn State and when we drove up and down the hills. The house party reminds me of the Christmas party last year in Suffolk. It was a dark night and we had all sorts of good food."
"The dirt road reminds me of when my family and I go to North Carolina to our family and we go down a dirt road."
"The cross reminded me when I first went to church at Morning Star and I was little. It was my first time seeing a cross and knowing what it represented and [it reminded me] when I got baptized in front of a cross so that nothing bad would happen to me like to drown or choke."
"I have seen a lot of animals walking across the street and lots of working people picking crops in the field."
"This reminds me of when I went to Boston, MA. Traveling can help you by giving you ideas for writing and an open mind."
"I think that the fireplace reminded me of my family. The last time my family was together was almost three years ago and when we sat together we had Smores, peanut butter, and pancakes and that was the happiest time of my life."
"I liked the picture of the children playing on the sidewalk. They were having fun and that reminds me of me and my friends. I can smell the stinky sewage water and smell the fresh air."
Alex M
"The mountains remind me of West Virginia."
"All the cars parked remind me when my grandmother died and her funeral. Everybody came to my house and there were lots of cars parked outside my house. I was very sad when I got into the cars with my brother."
"When I went on a journey this morning to Spain the rocky and muddy land reminded me of when my mom cooks crumb cake. It always breaks apart and she adds carmel to it. So it looks like a muddy road with rocks in it, just like in the slide show."
"When I saw the dog on the ground, it reminded me of when I was walking with my dog up a hill in Ponce, Puerto Rico and we were very tired but we never gave up because if we did the steep hill would make us fall down again."
"The one that shows the big ship reminds me of my dad because he took me there [to the ocean] and it was really fun. I cold see the fishes and the waves. "
"One of the slides was like my trip to North Carolina. It was a beautiful trip. I remember smelling plant food in the ground [and] driving by the houses hearing the dogs barking at us."
"When I saw the contorted tree, I thought of a tree I always used to climb on in the Noland Trail. The way it was contorted some limbs laid low to the ground and those were the limbs I would climb on to get to the top. It would always feel rough and bumpy. The tree was about 15 feet high and I would get scared sometimes to go to the top. But I always felt good when I got to the top."
"For all the world, I'd like to go to the field because it reminds me of those dark orange dirt paths at the Bonx Track. When you touched it, it felt like the sand you'd find at the beach."
"The bus reminded me that I'm always on the move because I move to different places a lot. "
[I liked]the family sitting together at the dinner table. I sit at the table along with my family and the people were sitting at the table eating really good food."
"The picture of the town that had the Molana sign on the town restaurant I liked because it reminded me of my grandma's home town, Frankfort, Germany."
"The picture of the thunderstorm clouds remind me of dark times when it is rainy outside. I love it. This may sound weird, but I love the days when it's raining because that means you have an opportunity to do nothing, you can just sit there and relax and watch movies."
"[I liked]the big, huge blue and black bus with soft leather seats and the smell or morning and stinky and smelly window. [It] reminded me when I used to rise the bus with my grandma to work and when we used to go out to eat."
"The lady with the flowers reminds me of my grandma."
"If I went to Spain and hiked up all those mountains, it would remind me of hiking up the mountains in Australia. It kept getting colder and colder as you went up. It had a lot of dirt, but some trees and we did a scavenger hunt on the mountain."
"Out of the things that I saw in the slides the one that looked like a storm coming reminded me of how when I went to North Carolina and there was a big storm coming in. I can remember during the storm the rush of the wind was blowing in my face and leaves [were] slapping me back and forth."
"The bus that is at the beginning of the show reminds me of how I like to go places. I like to go everywhere."
"How wonderful lots of animals crossing the road just like when my little sister was crossing the road."
"The statue reminds me of a picture I saw in a book in the library."